Getting it Done

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Yesterday, I went for a run outside. I do consider myself a runner and like running most of the time. I do not like running outside when the weather is windy and cloudy and less than 60 degrees. On those days, I would normally choose to run on the inside track at my local Y. That option was not available, however, due to my area's current state of pandemic. So I ran outside.

This particular run was not terribly enjoyable, but I wasn't about to skip it. I'm trying to build back up to running a 5K after an embarrassingly long time of being extremely lazy and out of shape. So I bundled up, put on my running shoes, and ventured out, determined to get in my measly 1.25 miles. At the end, I was proud that I had gotten it done. I walked three times, but each time I backtracked so that I actually ran the whole distance. It was ugly, but I did it.

Part of me feels like my run could be a metaphor for teaching (and learning) right now. This is not the environment I really want to teach in, but I'm doing it anyway. It's not the ideal environment for my students to learn in, but they're doing it anyway. We are all huffing and puffing through this windy, cloudy, chilly day, because we do not want to lose the momentum we have built up this year. When the clouds dissipate and the weather warms up, we will be proud of the work we put in to get it done.


  1. Great analogy. It does feel like we're huffing and puffing through this. And we're only in mile one of a a 26.2 mile race.


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